PalermoUno Designers


Adriana Jaroslavsky

DESIGN+FOODTALKS with Adriana Jaroslavsky / @adrianajarosdesign
Adriana is a multidisciplinary designer originally from Venezuela and based in London. ⁠
She researches the interaction of colors and spaces, exploring how these can elevate our senses and, in turn, create incredible aesthetic experiences.⁠
“I am constantly looking for a way to generate feelings through my work.”⁠
Architecture and interior spaces are some of her greatest inspirations and passions, since it’s within these very personal spaces that we create our stories: the narration of our lives and our feelings.⁠
Her goal is to find a bridge that connects art and design, to strengthen her practice and her love for creation.⁠
Here is what she prepared for you:

Roasted Pumpkin Recipe

1 small pumpkin
1 small can of corn
2-3 dates

1/2 of full organic garlic glove
Handful of coriander
Sprinkle of chilli flakes
Salt & pepper
Smoked paprika
1 lime
2 tsp Coconut oil

Cut the pumpkin in chunks (with the skin because it is yummy after is roasted)
For the mixture: take the mortar and crush the garlic gloves together with the coriander and a sprinkle of lime, the coriander releases all its oil and its delicious. Make sure you press really hard so the coriander becomes really soft and leave it looking like a paste (takes like 5min). Put this mix into a little bowl and add the condiments to it (chilli, paprika, salt pepper,etc) the rest of the lime, heat the coconut oil and add it to the mixture too.
Put on a tray with parchment paper all the chunks of pumpkin, with corn and the dates under the pumpkin so they don’t burn – coat all of this with the mixture and sprinkle a bit of sea salt and if you like spicy some more chilli flakes. Put it on the oven for 20-30 at 200C. Check with your fork till its soft. Take out, sprinkle some fresh coriander and buen provecho!