DESIGN+FOODTALKS with Davide Grosso / the founder of @glab.milano
Website: glabmilano.it
Davide opened his own company, G|Lab Milano, in 2000. For the first time, craftsmanship freely confronts technology in a project that includes unique and customized pieces, leaving the possibility to replicate the production without losing the uniqueness of the design.
From the dusting process of precious metals, burnishing and gilding are evoked and mixed with natural pigmentations in order to convey delicate nuances to the oxidation of metal.
The distinctiveness of the G|Lab furniture is also in the solutions of using processing waste in order to enhance and promote the essence of each material regardless of its canonical and standard form.
The Lab revisits the classic approach to textiles too. Research and innovation weave a new inspired manufacturing that bring forward skilful balances between patterns and colors.
Here is what he prepared for you:
Pollo, cipolline e olive verdi
1 kg di pollo o coniglio pulito e a pezzi
una decina di cipolline piccole
una costa di sedano a tocchetti
15-20 olive verdi (a me piacciono tanto)
qualche rametto di timo fresco
tre foglie d’alloro
un bicchiere di vino bianco
300 ml di brodo vegetale
sale e pepe in grani
ingredienti per il contorno:
1 kg patate
70 g burro
250 ml latte circa
Cospargere di olio il fondo di una pentola capiente e scaldare, unire alloro e timo. Pulire ed infarinare i pezzi di carne, poi adagiarli nella pirofila, aggiungere poi le verdure pulite e tagliate. Lasciar prendere un po’ di colore alla carne poi a fuoco vivace unire il bicchiere di vino bianco, lasciar evaporare bene poi abbassare un po’ la fiamma e aggiungere un po’ di brodo caldo. Dopo 15 minuti unire le olive, sale e pepe, proseguire la cottura rigirando il pollo di tanto in tanto affinché si cuocia in maniera uniforme e versando il brodo per mantenere sempre un sughetto abbondante.
Cuocere per un ora.
A parte lessare le patate in una casseruola con abbondante acqua e sale.
Dopo circa 40 minuti (dipende dalla dimensione delle patate, sono cotte quando uno stuzzicadente le penetra senza fatica) scolarle e con cautela sbucciarle: scottano!
Passarle bene, meglio se due volte e porre il tutto un un’altra pentola, unire il burro e lasciar sciogliere a fuoco medio, unire il latte gradatamente fino a raggiungere la consistenza desiderata… a me piace un po’ denso.
Servire caldo con la carne, cospargendo tutto con un cucchiaio di sugo!
Chicken, onions and green olives
1 kg of chicken or rabbit clean and in pieces
a dozen of small onions
a chunk of celery
15-20 green olives (I like them a lot)
a few sprigs of fresh thyme
three bay leaves
a glass of white wine
300 ml of vegetable stock
salt and pepper grains
Ingredients for the side dish:
1 kg potatoes
70 g butter
250 ml milk approx.
Sprinkle oil on the bottom of a large pot and heat, add bay leaves and thyme. Clean and sprinkle with flour the pieces of meat, then place them in the oven dish. Add the cleaned and cut vegetables. Leave the meat to take a little colour then turn on a high heat and add the glass of white wine, let it evaporate well then lower the heat a little and add a little hot broth. After 15 minutes add the olives, salt and pepper, continue cooking by turning the chicken from time to time so that it is cooked evenly and keep pouring in the broth to maintain a a rich amount sauce.
Cook for one hour.
Separetely boil the potatoes in a saucepan with plenty of water and salt.
After 40 minutes (depending on the size of the potatoes, they are cooked when a toothpick penetrates them effortlessly), drain and peel them carefully: they burn!
Mash the potatoes well and put them in another pot, add the butter and let it melt over medium heat, add the milk gradually until it reaches the desired consistency … I like it a little ‘dense.
Serve hot with the meat, sprinkling everything with a spoonful of the sause!