PalermoUno Designers


Giada Daniele

DESIGN+FOODTALKS with Giada Daniele / @jahddesign
Architect and Interior Designer based in the province of Syracuse in Sicily, since 2014 Giada’s passion for design has moved towards the digital world. First with her beautiful and inspiring Instagram account, @jahddesign, which she defines as her “personal moodboard”, where every published project is the result of research and study. Then came her blog (, which she launched a year ago, and where she writes about Interior Design, projects, stories and many other very interesting topics.⁠

Giada likes the stories behind the projects and she is curious about everything in the digital world.⁠Together with her partner she also deals with digital marketing and communication. They help companies and professionals to improve their online presence and communication.⁠

Here is what she prepared for you:

Frittata di asparagi selvatici e menta

Pulire gli asparagi e sbollentarli leggermente.
Sbattere le uova e aggiungere sale, parmigiano grattugiato, pepe nero e qualche fogliolina di menta tritata.
Far riscaldare un filo d’olio in una padella.
Versare una parte del composto e cuocerlo per 2 minuti.
Mettere gli asparagi, quindi versare il resto delle uova.
Far cuocere per altri 6-7 minuti.
Girare la frittata e far cuocere per altri 3-4 minuti.
Sicily Mule

– Vodka 45 ml
– Succo d’arancia 15-30 ml (a seconda dei gusti)
– Ginger beer per riempire

Omelette with wild asparagus
and mint

Clean the asparagus and slightly blanch them.
Whip the eggs and add salt, grated Parmesan cheese, black pepper and a few chopped mint leaves.
Heat a little oil in a frying pan.
Pour some of the mixture and cook it for 2 minutes.
Put the asparagus in, then pour the rest of the eggs.
Cook for another 6-7 minutes
Turn the omelette over and cook for another 3-4 minutes.
Sicily Mule

– Vodka 45 ml
– Orange juice 15-30 ml (according to your taste)
– Ginger beer to fill