DESIGN + FOODTALKS with Le Sauvage Décorateur / @lesauvagedecorateur
Website: lesauvagedecorateur.com
Founded in 2015, Le Sauvage Décorateur is inspired by the adventures of Robinson Crusoe: Defoe’s hero builds up his den using the planks of wood of the sunk boat that the undertow brought up on shore and uses natural elements to finish his refuge: palm leaves are perfect for the roof, coconuts become a dining set with a centerpiece composed of tropical flowers. Robinson is an english man decorating a colonial residence on an Island far from Europe.
The philosophy of Le Sauvage Décorateur takes shape between the walls of this residence: artworks – unique pieces – realized with the technique of the collage. Here the western certainties are contaminated by the colourful explosion of the tropics where flora and fauna invade cities, buildings and rooms justifying the presence of pink flamingos’s nests among parisian roofs, shy giraffes behind mosquito nets, parmigianino’s “Turkish slave” with a banana leaf hat or monkeys playing with vintage trunks.
Pictures of travels, old illustrations, vintage magazines and books from old loft or from various flea markets become creative patchworks and eclectic patterns to decorate not only the domestic walls.
Here is what he prepared for you:
– Red onions from Tropea
– Tarocco oranges from Sicily
– Black olives from Sicily
– Madagascar Black Pepper
– Salt
– Basil
– Extra virgin olive oil from Favignana Island
First of all you have to prepare the oranges cutting them in perfect slices. To get those perfect slices of orange, instead of peeling the skin off with my hands, I use a small paring knife.
Next, I slice the onions and let them rest in a bowl of ice cold water for about 5-10 minutes. Because this salad has only a few ingredients, using water to quickly “pickle” them will not alter the flavor of the orange salad.
Then i mix in a bowl oranges, onions, black olives and basil and I season with pepper, salt and olive oil. What is really important is to use a great olive oil: this is the main secret for the success of this easy recipe!
Finally, plate the salad and enjoy it!