DESIGN+FOODTALKS with Marialaura Rossiello Irvine / @studioirvine
Marialaura Rossiello Irvine runs the product, interior & strategic design Studio Irvine based in Milan.
Born on the slopes of Vesuvius, Marialaura Rossiello graduated in Architecture in Naples. From the poetry of design and a deep respect for tradition and history, in 2000 she was catapulted into the capital of Italian design for a master in Strategic Design at the Politecnico. Concreteness became a challenge, marketing, communication and strategy the keynote. For a number of years she collaborated with Italian design brands, and grew accustomed to consider the product within a comprehensive corporate process. Then she moved on tiptoe into a different British atmosphere. In 2011 she became partner of Studio Irvine, where industrial products were the throbbing heart of design.
Here is what she prepared for you:
La stratificazione
della Parmigiana di melanzane.
Ingredienti: melanzane, pelati, parmigiano grattugiato, basilico, fiordilatte
Cucinare il sugo a fuoco basso lasciandolo addensare per due ore. Tagliare le melanzane spessore 5mm per il lungo. Metterle a strati con un pò di sale fra due piatti rovesciati e con un peso sopra, per farne uscire l’amaro. Dopo un’ oretta premetele e asciugatele. Mettere a fuoco vivace una padella di olio e friggerle.
Iniziare la stratificazione: una base di sugo, un letto di melanzane, uno strato di sugo, fette di fiordilatte, spolverata i formaggio, basilico, letto di melanzane, strato di sugo, fette di fiordilatte, spolverata i formaggio, basilico, letto e melanzane, uno strato di sugo, fette di fiordilatte, spolverata i formaggio, basilico etc. Mettere nel forno a 120° per mezz’ora.
P.S.: Il giorno dopo è ancora più buona!
(The Layering of)
Italian Eggplant Parmesan
Ingredients: eggplants, peeled tomatoes, grated parmesan cheese, basil, fiordilatte cheese
Cook the sauce over low heat and let it thicken for two hours. Cut the eggplants on the long side with thickness of each piece – 5mm. Arrange them in layers with a little salt between two overturned plates and with a weight on top to press them, to release the bitterness. After an hour or so, press and dry them. Put a pan of oil on high heat and fry them.
Start the layering: a base of sauce, a layer of eggplants, a layer of sauce, slices of fiordilatte, then sprinkle the cheese, basil, layer of of eggplants, layer of sauce, slices of fiordilatte, sprinkle the cheese, basil, layer of eggplants, a layer of sauce, slices of fiordilatte, sprinkle the cheese, basil etc. Put in the oven at 120° for half an hour.
P.S.: The next day it tastes even better!