PalermoUno Designers

Designer 2019

Roberto Gerosa


Roberto Gerosa, architect and artistic director, deals mainly with historic houses restoration.

Within his projects, spaces are studied following practical needs, but always with a special care for style and elegance, which are interpreted by his very personal touch, always according to his commissioner’s taste and desires.
There is nothing random: forniture, lightings, colors are designed and realized with deep attention to details, using precious and naturals materials well worked by trusted artisans.

Multiple and trasversal passions from cinema to history of art, lead RG to many creative experiences all over the world
from Los Angeles to Singapore, from New York to Tuscany.

Today RG lives and works in Milan, in his house-atelier, a sort of “wunderkammer” where he collects just a small part of curiosities and knowledges he discovers, travel after travel, experience after experience.

Thanks to his competences and eclecticism RG has been chosen, for years, by famous fashion brands to interpret their image, design commercial spaces, realize special events.

Roberto Gerosa Products